Legendary Comedy producer Judd Apatow brings us ‘Bros’, a landmark film for the LGBTQ+ community directed by Nick Stoeller and written by star Billy Eichner. The filmmakers deliver a candid, unapologetic, and surprisingly poignant Romantic-Comedy. The story revolves around Bobby Leiber (Billy Eichner) a LGBTQ+ podcaster, bitter about love, who finds himself having romantic feelings for Aaron (Luke MacFalene), whom he was introduced to in a club
‘Bros’ is equal parts Romance and Comedy. As refreshingly modern and clever as the film it is, it also adheres close to a Rom/Com structure despite satirizing it and at its best only bends the rules. Its humor, rawness, and pathos far outweigh the familiarity of the formula. It also never lets comedy undercut dramatic moments and allows itself to be serious and schmaltzy at times.
Eichner leads ‘Bros’ cast with relentless energy and his jubilant supporting cast is charismatic and funny.
Ultimately, 'Bros' is the cream of the crop in terms of romantic comedies and worth seeing even if you're not a fan of the genre.
Check out other LGBTQ+ films available at The Brown Deer Public Library.