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'Firestarter' Put Out This Flame: A Review

‘Firestarter’, which is now the second adaption of the Stephen King' novel of the same name, is bland and uninteresting. The original 80s' adaption, which infamously starred a young Drew Barrymore as the young girl with incendiary abilities, was nothing to write home about either. While that adaptation was campy and ham-fisted in its approach, the new film is tepid and sloppy.

The fire effects in ‘Firestarter’ all have a cheap After Effects quality. If there was one thing Universal Studios should have budgeted for and done exceptionally, it would be the fire effects. I’d be curious to know how much CGI they used versus practical pyrotechnics. Either way, the special effects were a letdown.

Zac Efron, who typically has as on screen presence and charm, plays the father of the titular Firestarter in the most uninterested and aloof manner. There was no character or performance that was memorable. The film shuffles along with scene after scene of exposition and, on occasion, moments of subpar action.

Universal Studios made a smart choice releasing ‘Firestarter’ on streaming simultaneously with its theatrical release because they’ll receive far more views out of sheer curiosity from the name recognition than they ever will convincing people to pay to see the film.


Check out the wide array of Stephen King Novels and film adaptations available to check out at The Browns Deer Public Library.

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