August 22
Cookbook Club Potluck, 5pm
So long as COVID numbers remain low, we can meet in person for a themed potluck. Every month we will still provide a spice/seasoning and recipe (or two). Kits are available up at the circulation desk. Everything inside is yours to keep. Just return the container within 7 days. August – Rubbed Sage – Tuscan Onion Soup – Potluck on August 22nd (Bring a soup or bisque)
August 23
Art Cart
Hurry in! These kits go quickly. Available while supplies last!
August 25
Homemade Paper, 1-2pm
There is something luxurious about receiving homemade paper products. Come to our class and learn the basics. It’s easy enough to make at home and makes a beautiful gift.
Book Sale Preview, 5-6:30pm
Join us on Thursday night for a preview of the Friends of the Brown Deer Library book sale! The preview is free for friends members, $5 for non-members. Used book donations are welcome and greatly appreciated. All proceeds from the sale go towards enhancing library services. The sale will run through Saturday August 27th during normal library hours.
August 26
Streaming Bookclub, 12pm
You know those Netflix and Prime and Hulu and whatever shows that keep popping up as “Based on” this series or that? Now is your time to actually read what inspired these series. So grab your channel changer and flip to a good book. We will be meeting over lunch on the final Friday of the Month @12PM. So grab your bag lunch and join us for some fun, gossipy book discussions on some of the latest books to start streaming…We might even watch part of an episode!
Friends of the Library Book Sale, 10-5pm
August 27
Friends of the Library Book Sale, 10-2pm
Coming soon
The Last Hooray!, 3-4:30pm
School may be starting soon, but there is still some time to be a kid. Join us August 29th to remember what it’s like to be a kid again. We will be playing games from your childhood like Candy Land and Guess Who, and you can enjoy snacks that remind you of your youth. Be a kid again for the day!